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Naomi Shemer: Beyond "Jerusalem of Gold" (Melton)

Monday, 1 April, 2024 22 Adar II 5784

6:00 PM - 7:00 PMZOOM

Israeli music owes a lot to the artist Naomi Shemer. In many ways, Shemer helped define the tone and trajectory of Israeli popular music. For example, the genre Shirei Eretz Yisrael (Songs of the Land of Israel) would be far poorer without this sui generis singer/song-writer. In this moving follow up to Cantor David Lipp’s hit course “Israeli Pop Jamz”, we get an overview of her lasting influence and legacy on the corpus of Israeli artistic expression. Join us for a rockin’ good class!

USD$18 // Register on the Melton Website by Clicking Here

About the Presenter

Cantor David A. Lipp came to Congregation Adath Jeshurun as Hazzan in 1994. He currently leads worship services, prepares youth for bar and bat mitzvah, teaches synagogue skills to children and adults, co-officiates at all life-cycle events, does pastoral work and directs the Adath Jeshurun Adult Choir. Cantor Lipp teaches Melton courses in his community in Louisville as well as internationally and has taught numerous international courses for the Cantors Assembly. Cantor Lipp has recently completed his service as President of the Cantors Assembly.


Questions about Melton Winnipeg and/or Shaarey Zedek Adult Education?
Reach out to us – we’re here to help!

Tamar Barr
Director, The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
Director of Engagement and Education, Congregation Shaarey Zedek

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Sat, 21 September 2024 18 Elul 5784