Dear members,
We are happy to announce that Shaarey Zedek High Holy Day Services for 2022 will take place both in-person at the Berney Theatre at the Asper Campus, as well as streaming online! We thank you for your patience as we explored available options over the summer and continue to navigate a once-in-a-life-time temporary move during renovations. High Holy Day tickets account for our largest fundraiser annually for operations, and the decision to use the Theatre allowed us to balance projected donations that we anticipate receiving through tickets against the known expenses required to offer the services. We feel the Berney Theatre is the best decision for the congregation for overall service experience, best streaming choice for online viewers, and economically for the fundraising component.
With the decision in place, our Clergy Team is busy preparing for Yom Tov. Services will feature Rabbi Anibal Mass, Cantor Leslie Emery, Tali Millo (Lay Clergy), Bill Weissmann (Lay Clergy and Shammes), and guest Torah Readers. Our High Holy Day Choir, organized and led by Mal Magorel (Alto), will include John Anderson (Bass), Kacy Lyra (Soprano), and Braden Ganetsky (Tenor), with Stephen Cocks accompanying on piano. Our Audio-Visual Director, Marvin Polanski, will ensure high quality sound, and multi-camera operation for streaming.
We will offer both first and second services as we had pre-pandemic, with 200 seats available for the first service and 200 seats for the second service. We will be unable to offer partial tickets to attend Rosh Hashanah only or Yom Kippur only.
We are also pleased to include a break area for parents and their babies and/or toddlers, as well as a childcare program for ages 5 to 12 at the Campus’ Multi-Purpose Room. We will have paid supervisors but are also looking for teens to volunteer at the program. If your teen is interested in volunteering, please ask them to email our Program Director, Tali Millo, at
Please note that masks must be worn in accordance with Shaarey Zedek’s COVID19 policy. We will not be checking Immunization Cards.
Ticket sales for members with accounts that are up to date will begin on Wednesday, September 7 at 10:00 AM for both in-person seats and online viewing by visiting We are using a new online booking platform that will allow you to select your seats and pay online for the in-person services, and you will receive electronic tickets by email. Tickets for in-person services are available on a first come, first serve basis.
- Members are welcome to purchase seats for their family members (generation up and generation down) at member prices as they have in the past.
- We may need to shift your seats slightly to ensure we do not have orphan/unused seats between groups – our goal is to utilize every seat in the house due to the limited seating.
- We have set aside the first two rows for those with wheelchairs, walkers, and others who are not able to climb stairs. Due to limited seating overall, we ask that your family or others accompanying you purchase their seats immediately using the online platform including a seat for you in their row. Please then contact the office at 204-975-3481 and we will transfer the seat to an available seat in the first two rows of the theatre, locking in the price your family has paid based on their location. The seat in their row will then be released for sale to others because your seat has been relocated to the front.
- There will only be one set of services at the end of Yom Kippur, the Mincha/Neliah/Havdallah services on Wednesday, October 5, not two. Since there are only 200 seats available, not 400, you will need to register to attend these services (at no additional cost) when you are purchasing your in-person seating. Those who have in-person tickets will also be provided with access to watch all services from home.
- Access to the online stream will be provided to everyone who purchases tickets for in-person attendance should they wish to view from home at any point. The streaming service will also require paid access and can also be purchased online starting September 6.
- If you are having trouble purchasing tickets once the portal is launched on Wednesday, September 7 at 10:00 AM, please call the office at 204-975-3481 for help.
- Ticket sales will be open to non-members on September 21 for in-person attendance. Non-members are welcome to purchase access to the online service starting next week.
If you have recently received a statement of your synagogue account, we ask you to please pay the invoice before purchasing tickets. These funds are vital to our operations. The total amount can be paid online by visiting or contact our Accounts Department at 204-975-3488 to set up a payment plan.
Service times for High Holy Days, including ticket prices, can be found on our website by visiting
The Congregational Yizkor Book will also return in print format this year. We will be sending confirmation letters to past participants this week. If you have not participated in the past and would like to honour the memory of your loved one in our memorial book, please visit
If you would like to order catering for High Holy Days, we have dairy and pareve options available for order. Visit for more information.
We want to thank you once again for your patience and look forward to seeing you in-person or online for this year’s services.
Shanah Tovah U'Metukah – A happy and sweet new year to you.