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Rabbinic Candidate Visiting Mar 7-9 // Rabbi Carnie Rose

26/02/2025 07:24:59 PM


Shaarey Zedek Rabbinic Search Committee

Dear Congregation,

The Shaarey Zedek Rabbinic Search Committee is pleased to invite our community to meet Rabbi Carnie Rose, our first...Read more...

Update on 2024 Charitable Giving Tax Year

06/01/2025 02:03:52 PM


The Government of Canada has extended the 2024 charitable giving tax year until February 28, 2025, which means you still have time to make your charitable contributions for 2024 and have the amount included on your 2024 tax receipt. These include your Membership Dues, Capital Campaign contributions, and other donations. If you’ve already paid these, this is a great opportunity to top up your donations to support the shul.

Now is the...

The Story of Chanukah

24/12/2024 03:01:13 PM


Rabbi Anibal Mass, Spiritual Leader
Fanny Levy, President
Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Executive Director

Stories have the great power to shape how we see ourselves and our communities. They provide meaning to our lives and helping us navigate the space between the past and the future while helping us to understand our place in the world.

While the thrilling tale of the Maccabees is incredibly inspirational, there is also the deeply spiritual and miraculous story of the oil, that burned for eight days in the newly rededicated Temple....Read more...

Standing Up, Standing Together

24/09/2024 08:29:23 PM


Rabbi Anibal Mass, Spiritual Leader
Neil Duboff, President
Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Executive Director

Shaarey Zedek reaffirms our unwavering support for Israel’s fundamental right to exist. We are deeply disturbed by the disgraceful and unjust treatment directed toward politicians who stand in solidarity with Israel. Such acts have no place in Canada, a country built on principles of peace, diversity, and democratic discourse.

We are equally troubled by the rising tide of anti-Semitism in our nation. Every Jew should feel safe and...Read more...

We are moving back!

12/09/2024 11:00:18 AM


Dr Rena Secter Elbaze

Dear Congregants and Community Members,

Yes! we’re moving back into our spiritual home!

In order to unpack and set up …We will be CLOSED TODAY, Thursday, September 12th at NOON
REOPENING on Wednesday, September 18th at 9 AM

FUNERALS Call Estelle at 204-792-8011 to make arrangements.


High Holy Day Seats Chanukat Ha Bayit Rabbi Wolpe...

A Tragic Update on theOctober 7th Hostages // Prayer Vigil Tonight

02/09/2024 11:14:49 AM


Rabbi Anibal Mass, Spiritual Leader
Neil Duboff, President ​​​​
Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Executive Director

Dear Congregants,

Our Shaarey Zedek community deeply mourns the tragic loss of six hostages, kidnapped on October 7th who were brutally murdered over the weekend at the hands of Hamas.

Many of us woke up yesterday to the devastating news that Carmel Gat, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alex Lobanov, Eden Yerushalmi, Almog Sarusi, and Ori Danino, of blessed memory, were found murdered by Hamas after 11 months in captivity, their...Read more...

Security Update

21/08/2024 05:47:39 PM


Rabbi Anibal Mass, Spiritual Leader
Neil Duboff, President ​​​​
Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Executive Director

Dear Congregants,

As many of you may already be aware, today, August 21st, we received a bomb threat via email, which was also sent to 125 Jewish organizations across Canada.

Upon receiving the threat, we immediately took the necessary steps to contact the Winnipeg Police Services (WPS) to ensure the safety of our congregants and staff.

Please rest assured that Congregation Shaarey Zedek has robust security protocols...Read more...

Sisterhood Tikun Olam Project Supports Willow Place Women and Children Shelter with Car Loads of Supplies for Babies

08/08/2024 12:29:32 PM


Louise Raber, Sisterhood Co-President

As no one from Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood was able to attend Conference in San Antonio in May 2024, we decided to participate in the Tikun Olam project in Winnipeg.

Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood has been an ongoing support to Willow Place, a Shelter for Women and their children at risk.

With our synagogue closed for renovations, we are functioning out of several locations. With the help of our wonderful custodians, we had a large...Read more...

Seeking Candidates for our Board of Directors, Cemetery and Investment Committees

22/07/2024 03:36:07 PM


Congregation Shaarey Zedek is a centre for Conservative Judaism that welcomes the community to experience spiritual growth, continuing education, and the enrichment of lifecycle events.

Looking for a meaningful connection to your Jewish identity?
Do you want to shape the future of our community?


Careers: Director, Childcare Centre

03/05/2024 12:30:01 PM


Congregation Shaarey Zedek is seeking a visionary educator, to become the Director of our new childcare centre. This new leading-edge Jewish learning program will support children to become confident, capable, and excited about Judaism and Jewish learning. Our new Director of...Read more...

Shaarey Zedek Stands with Israel

14/04/2024 04:04:43 PM


Neil Duboff, President; Rabbi Anibal Mass, Spiritual Leader; Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Executive Director

Dear friends,

We write to you with heavy hearts, yet with unwavering resolve as we stand in solidarity with Israel. In the wake of yesterday’s Iranian attack, our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Israel as they navigate these challenging times.

As members of Congregation Shaarey Zedek and the Jewish community, we understand the profound importance of unity and support during moments of adversity. We come...Read more...

Planning Your Visit for Shaarey Zedek Services & Events at Temple Shalom - Parking and Accessibility

08/04/2024 08:52:59 AM


There is limited parking in front of the building at Temple Shalom, so we recommend coming early to services and events to get a good parking spot if walking is a concern. Please park on the service road in front of the building, residential streets in the surrounding area, or Grant Park Shopping Centre. There is no parking allowed in the Shalom Garden's parkade. If you have limited mobility, it is best to come with a companion to drop...Read more...

Statement from the Winnipeg Council of Rabbis, Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, and CIJA

22/02/2024 06:19:33 PM


Opening Fall 2024| Shaarey Zedek Childcare Centre

11/01/2024 02:20:19 PM


Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Executive Director

Dear Congregants,

We are excited to announce that Congregation Shaarey Zedek will be opening a private, Shaarey Zedek run Childcare Centre in the Fall of 2024 after the High Holy Days.

The newly renovated space will accommodate 32 children: 4 infants and 28 toddlers/preschoolers and will be...Read more...

We Stand with the People of Israel

08/10/2023 12:00:56 PM


Neil Duboff, President
Rabbi Anibal Mass, Spiritual Leader
Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Executive Director
Cantor Leslie Emery

Dear friends,

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Israeli citizens who have been kidnapped by Hamas, as well as the families of those who have been affected by acts of terrorism in Israel. In times of darkness and despair, it is important to hold onto hope and strive for peace.

Let us pray for the safe return of those who have been kidnapped, that they may be reunited with their loved ones and find strength in their...Read more...

Dr Rena Secter Elbaze Appointed Executive Director of Shaarey Zedek

08/09/2023 06:00:02 PM


Congregation Shaarey Zedek’s leadership is thrilled to share some exciting and happy news with you today. After careful consideration, the Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of its new Executive Director – Dr Rena Secter...Read more...

Update on fee Live Stream for High Holy Days

25/07/2023 04:48:50 PM


Neil Duboff, President, Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Interim Executive Director


Free Shaarey Zedek High Holy Day Seats

09/05/2023 01:18:08 PM


Neil Duboff, President and Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Interim Executive Director, and Director of Engagement and Education

Since our full-page advertisement came out two weeks ago in the Jewish...Read more...

Witnesses to the Holocaust - Czech Torah Scroll Program Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 7:30 PM

05/04/2023 12:00:00 PM


Two Winnipeg Holocaust survivors have never told their stories and yet they are important witnesses to the Shoah. These survivors are two Czech Torah scrolls whose presence speaks as loud as words. The Nazis swallowed pre-war Czechoslovakia in two bites, November 1938 and March 1939, creating an occupied Czech zone called the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and the independent state of Slovakia, a German ally. The Nazis destroyed many...Read more...

Passover Message and Special Video

04/04/2023 12:13:13 PM


Rabbi Anibal Mass

Dear Friends,

Before we start the celebration of Passover, the Festival of Freedom, I would like to reflect with all of you about the importance of being grateful even if we don’t necessarily have everything we think we need or want.

The reality is that we all have things in our life that are incomplete and the key to happiness is, as the Dayeinu song is teaching us, to celebrate partial successes along the way.


Message from our Cantor

31/03/2023 01:12:08 PM


Cantor Leslie Emery

Dear Friends,

As the seasons shift here in Winnipeg, we begin our preparations for Pesach, planning meaningful opportunities for our community to observe...Read more...

Executive Director Ran Ukashi Resigns; Dr Rena Secter Elbaze Appointed Interim Executive Director

30/03/2023 03:45:42 PM


Neil Duboff, President

Dear Members of the Congregation,

The Board of Directors announces that after two years of dedicated leadership, Ran Ukashi will be stepping down as the...Read more...

Support the JCFS Passover Assistance Program and help less fortunate families celebrate Pesach this year

27/03/2023 05:47:05 PM


Neil Duboff, President
Fanny Levy, Vice-President
& Tikun Olam Committee Chair

Dear Friends,

The Passover Haggadah opens with an important statement: “All who are hungry, let them come and eat!”

The practice of collecting Ma’ot Chitim, “wheat money” for the purchase of Matzah for the poor, is mentioned in the Jerusalem Talmud dating back over 1600 years!

 In this tradition and in the spirit of enabling everyone in our...Read more...

SZ Haggadah Now Available

27/03/2023 12:00:24 PM


Available in the Shaarey Zedek Office at Temple Shalom (1077 Grant Avenue) and on the table outside the Temple Shalom Sanctuary if picking up after services. Please remember the Shaarey Zedek office is open weekdays 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, until 3:00 PM on Fridays. The office will close on Erev Pesach, Wednesday, April 5, at 1:00 PM.



Capital Campaign Update from the President & Capital Campaign Chair

23/03/2023 04:50:00 PM


Neil Duboff, President, Capital Campaign Chair

Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you well! I’m pleased to provide the following progress report regarding the building project and related L’Dor Va...Read more...

Message from the President & Capital Campaign Chair

16/03/2023 01:10:22 PM


Neil Duboff, President, Capital Campaign Chair

In Judaism, the synagogue is much more than just a building. It is a sacred space where we connect with God, with one another, and with our shared history and traditions. It is a place where we find...Read more...

Message from the Communications Committee Chair

10/03/2023 10:51:41 AM


Dr Ted Lyons OC, Communications Committee Chair

Communications is critical, not only within an organization, but most most importantly to its membership. To improve our communication with the congregation, and to ensure that our members know what is happening at the synagogue, we are exploring and adopting a variety...Read more...

Message from the Catering Committee Chair 

02/03/2023 02:45:13 PM


Noam Millo, Catering Committee Chair

Over the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to hear from various board, executive and clergy members regarding our shared vision for a thriving Congregation Shaarey Zedek.


Message from our Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Alan Green

23/02/2023 04:50:08 PM


Rabbi Alan Green, Rabbi Emeritus

Greetings from Fairfield, Iowa! Those who know something about Iowa will know that the University of Iowa, with its 30,000 students, is located in Iowa City—about an hour north of Fairfield. Iowa City is...Read more...

Message from the Executive Director

16/02/2023 04:31:11 PM


Ran Ukashi, Executive Director

As the Jewish Nation—Am Yisrael—we are not simply mere individuals who share a religious identity. After all, we are a whole that is much more than the sum of our parts. We Jews are, in fact, a kehillah,...Read more...

Fri, 28 March 2025 28 Adar 5785