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Seeking Candidates for our Board of Directors, Cemetery and Investment Committees

22/07/2024 03:36:07 PM


Congregation Shaarey Zedek is a centre for Conservative Judaism that welcomes the community to experience spiritual growth, continuing education, and the enrichment of lifecycle events.

Looking for a meaningful connection to your Jewish identity?
Do you want to shape the future of our community?

The synagogue is seeking two new Board Members as well as Cemetery and Investment Committee Members to begin their term this Fall at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM), November 21, 2024.

Joining the Board of Directors, Cemetery and/or Investment Committee at Congregation Shaarey Zedek will give you the opportunity to offer your time and skill set to the service of your community. 

Bring your personal and professional expertise and experience…a Passion for Israel, Jewish History and Learning, Ritual Life… and be a part of a team committed to creating a vibrant synagogue and centre of Jewish life.

We are looking for representation from a variety of demographic groups and skill sets to round out our team.

You will gain experience working on a board or committee, networking with community members, congregants, leadership, and other stakeholders while paving the way for the community to thrive today and into the future.

Board of Director duties will include engaging in monthly meetings, participating in programs and initiatives as well as Shabbat and holiday prayer services and celebrations. Board members will also have the responsibility and honour to represent the synagogue at a variety of events and commemorations with community partners as well as the local Interfaith and general community.

Cemetery Committee members will meet on a regular basis to review and revise policy pertaining to the management of the Shaarey Zedek Cemetery.

Investment Committee members will be voting members and will be expected to attend quarterly committee meetings. You will interact with our Investment Manager and the experienced committee members to participate in developing and implementing changes to our Investment Policy, assessing the performance of our Investment Manager and related financial matters.  The Synagogue depends on this important committee for effective investment management of its assets to help fund its activities. 

Shaarey Zedek members in good standing, please email your résumé for consideration by July 31, 2024, to Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Executive Director, at

If you would like to join our congregation and get involved in synagogue life please call or email to make an appointment to meet with our Executive Director 204-452-3711,

Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Office: 1077 Grant Avenue (Temple Shalom Building)   
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Sat, 7 September 2024 4 Elul 5784