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Sisterhood Tikun Olam Project Supports Willow Place Women and Children Shelter with Car Loads of Supplies for Babies

08/08/2024 12:29:32 PM


Louise Raber, Sisterhood Co-President

As no one from Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood was able to attend Conference in San Antonio in May 2024, we decided to participate in the Tikun Olam project in Winnipeg.

Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood has been an ongoing support to Willow Place, a Shelter for Women and their children at risk.

With our synagogue closed for renovations, we are functioning out of several locations. With the help of our wonderful custodians, we had a large box set up at Temple Shalom where our office staff is housed and we sent out a few emails and clergy and service leaders announced our project from the Bimah at every service. 

The project was a huge success and Gloria Cantor our Willow place liaison delivered the baby items in two carloads to the undisclosed Willow Place location.

We received this beautiful thank you message from Pam Hadder, the Willow Place Community Co-ordinator.

Sandy Polanski , co-president and I are so thrilled that this could be accomplished and humbled by the words of thanks.

We thank all who contributed, Gloria Cantor for always supporting Willow Place, Bill Croydon and the Shaarey Zedek Custodial staff.

Never say it can’t be done to Sisterhood!

Submitted by Louise Raber. Co-President

Mon, 16 September 2024 13 Elul 5784